How to import and use a Point Map


Learn how to import and use a point map.

Applies to:

  • Fields
  • Ramping
  • Data-Driven Design


1. Set up your CSV file

If importing a Scalar Point Map, ensure your format is X, Y, Z, S, where S is the desired value at each point.

If importing a Vector Point Map, ensure your format is X, Y, Z, U, V, W, where U, V, and W represent the vector at each point.

Note: Your table should not have headers, just the data points; it should not have blank rows at the bottom of the file.

It will not import correctly because of the header and blank row at the bottom Will import correctly


2. Import the Point Map

    • Add an Import Scalar Point Map block (or Import Vector Point Map block)
      • Set the file path
      • Choose units to correspond to the points
      • Optional: Set a scale for the Point map


3. Convert the Point Map to a Field

This step is necessary to convert the point or vector data into a field. The field can then be used to edit your desired part.

    • Add a Field from Point Map block


4. Optional: Use the field to create a Ramp

One of the most popular reasons for importing point maps is to create a ramp and use it to vary a parameter. If you would like to learn more about data-driven design, you should check out this course.

    • Add a Ramp block
      • Input the Field from Point Map block as the Scalar Field
      • Set the In Min and the In Max to correspond to the imported 'S' values from your CSV. Don't add units to these values
      • Set the Out Min and the Out Max to correspond to the parameter you want to vary. If you are varying thickness, for example, add 'mm' to these values
      • Set the Continuity to your desired option
    • Insert the Ramp block into the parameter you want to vary. For example, insert the Ramp into the Thickness input of a Periodic Lattice block.

This is an example of using a Pressure Map to drive the lattice thickness of the Bike Seat. You can access this file from the Home Screen.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully imported and used a point map

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More on this topic:


 import ramp field map point scalar interpolation extrapolation vector how-to size 
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