How to use a local license file


Learn how to use a local license file.

Most users are issued nTop and nTop Automate Cloud-based licenses, but select enterprise customers with restricted internet access may require a local license file.

Note: Educational users are not eligible for local licenses.

Applies to:

  • nTop
  • nTop Automate
  • Local Licensing


  1. Login to your profile at
  2. Navigate to the Account Settings tab on the left.
  3. You can now see all your licenses in the My Licenses table.
  4. Click on Download next to the entry in the table.

Logging into nTop

  1. Open nTop
  2. At the login screen, Select "License Settings"
  3. Select the Folder icon next to the Path input

Logging into nTop Automate

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. To indicate the path of the license file, you can use the command --license TEXT Path to a license file.
ntopcl -license "C:\Users\example\licenses\ntop.lic"


And that's it. You have successfully downloaded and used your local license file to log in.

More on this topic:


 licensing ntop license file local how-to download ntop automate 
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