How to generate surface roughness with varying amplitude or frequency


If you're trying to use nTop to generate surface textures, this how-to example explains a high-performing and scalable workflow that applies to any object. Developing a unique texture can be non-intuitive initially, but once mastered, it can become the ultimate creativity tool in your arsenal.

Before starting this tutorial, check out the prerequisite surface roughness workflow. By adding a few steps, we can control the texture's frequency with the ramp function. These examples are also shown in this article: Generating surface textures with procedural modeling.

Applies to:

  • nTop
  • Surface Texture
  • Implicit Modeling
  • Field-Driven Design


  1. Open the file built by the previous tutorial Texturing - Surface Roughness.ntop.
  2. Add a Plane from Normal block to the Notebook. The Ramp function will reference this Plane.
  3. Add a Ramp block and use the Plane as the Scalar field input. Enter the remaining values, being sure to add units to Out min and Out max.
  4. In the already existing Multiply block, replace the 1 mm with the ramp function. The surface roughness will generate, varying by the range of values per Out min and Out max.
  5. We can also vary the noise frequency using a combination of ramp and remap functions. View the complete workflows in the example files.


Download the Example file:

More on this topic:


 ramp surface texture roughness how-to noise varying 
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