nTop 4.6 - What's New?

nTop 4.6 is here! This release features our new Implicit Body from Field Optimization (Beta) block, which lets you extract the Implicit Body from intermediate iterations of field optimization along with quality-of-life enhancements. As with every release, nTop’s dedicated support team is ready to answer your questions. Please visit support.ntop.com to gain access to helpful tutorials and support articles.

Implicit Body from Field Optimization (Beta)

  • With this block, users are able to extract geometry from intermediate iterations in the Field Optimization block. Users can input the desired iteration number and the component number in a multi-component optimization setup. The resulting type is an Implicit Body.
  • Block Name: Implicit Body from Field Optimization
  • Location: Beta > Field Optimization
  • Description: Extract an Implicit Body from a Field Optimization result.
    • Result: Result to extract body from.
    • Iteration: Iteration number which the Implicit Body will be extracted from. If not provided, the last iteration will be used.
    • Component number: Component number which the Implicit Body will be extracted from. If not provided, the first component will be used.
    • Output: Implicit Body

Implicit Body from Field Optimization

Usage Improvements

  • “Capture Image” will now default to the same directory that was last used so that when capturing multiple images, you won’t have to navigate back to the prior directory for each.


Block Updates

  • We separated the Remesh Surface and the Remesh Surface with Cyclic Symmetry blocks which were previously overloads of each other.
  • We have released a newer 2.0.0 version of the Slice Body to B&W Image Stack block, which resulted in a reduced block runtime compared to the previous version (1.2 - 10x). Due to the performance improvement, we removed the Feature Size input variable that is no longer needed.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with the Remesh Surface with Cyclic Symmetry block that prevented cyclically symmetric components from touching the symmetry axis when meshing.
  • We fixed an issue with the Von Mises Stress Point Map block that caused nTop to exit unexpectedly when importing an analysis result with isolated nodes.


 new release notes whats 4.6 
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