nTop 4.19 - Internal Computation Update


This article explains the changes made to these blocks in nTop 4.19: Offset Voxel Grid, Smoothen Voxel Grid, Voxel Grid from Implicit body, Implicit Body from Voxel Grid, Mesh from Implicit Body, and CAD Body from Implicit Body

Table of Contents 

1. Effective Release

2. Why is this change happening?

3. Impacted Blocks

4. How does this affect you?

5. Recommended Actions


1. Effective Release

  • nTop 4.19

2. Change

  • In nTop 4.19, we updated one of the internal computations. The observable changes would be a higher voxel count, different Mesh/CAD topologies, or vertex/face counts. However, the Mesh/CAD Body will remain within the specified tolerance.
  • We did not version the impacted blocks when implementing this change.
  • We recommend you update all the deprecated blocks.
  • When you update to 4.19, you can open any previous notebook to view, access, and export any cached geometry or analysis results. This includes meshes, CAD Bodies, slices, and analysis results.
  • Re-running a block will overwrite any cached geometry or analysis results. Note that when you re-run a block, any block in your notebook that contains it as an input will also be triggered to re-run–unless the downstream block is set to Manual Run Mode.
  • You can restore previous results by undoing the action with Ctrl+Z.

3. Impacted Blocks or Types

  • Offset Voxel Grid
  • Smoothen Voxel Grid
  • Voxel Grid from Implicit Body
  • Implicit Body from Voxel Grid
  • All versions of Mesh from Implicit Body
  • CAD Body from Implicit Body

4. How does this affect you?

We do not expect this update to impact you, as the Mesh/CAD Body will remain within the specified tolerance.

5. Recommended Actions

You do not need to take any specific action in response to this update.

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