nTop Allowlisting Guide

This article reviews the allowlisting guidelines for connecting to cloud licensing, accessing nTop web resources, and receiving important email communications. 

nTop is a standalone application that operates locally on your desktop. However, we connect to cloud services for license authentication and account management. Some organizations may require configuring additional proxy settings

Connecting to nTop for Cloud Licensing

Following is a list of URLs to allowlist:

For version 4.2 and newer

URL Reason
https://updater.ntop.com/ For automatic software updates
https://analytics.ntop.com/ For sharing product usage data
https://crashes.ntop.com/ Crash reports for product improvements
https://app.ntop.com/ For downloading software and accessing the customer dashboard


For version 4.1 and older

URL Reason
https://license.ntopology.com/ and https://license.ntop.com/ For license verification from desktop software 
[Only for nTop 2.18.5 or older]
https://updater.ntopology.com/ and https://updater.ntop.com/ For automatic software updates
https://analytics.ntopology.com/ and https://analytics.ntop.com/ For sharing product usage data
https://crashes.ntopology.com/ and https://crashes.ntop.com/ Crash reports for product improvements
https://app.ntopology.com/ and https://app.ntop.com/ For downloading software and accessing the customer dashboard


Additional information:

port: 443

Request header: Boost.Beast  


Web Resources and Email Communication

Following is a list of websites to allowlist and e-mails to add to your trusted senders list to access helpful resources and receive important communications from us:

Website/Email Reason
https://ntop.com Our main website
https://app.ntop.com For downloading software and accessing the customer dashboard
https://support.ntop.com To access nTop Help Center
https://learn.ntop.com To access nTop Learning Center
no-reply@ntop.com  To receive emails from nTop for account activation and license information
engineering@ntop.com To ensure you're receiving our Product Newsletter and other important updates


Contact support@ntop.com if you need help connecting to the license server after updating or not receiving emails from us. We can help you revert to an older version and work with your IT to solve the issue.



 licensing cloud account list firewall allow allowlist 
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