nTopology’s nTop Platform 2.8 is here! This release is full of great new features, such as new user profiles that make onboarding and getting started with nTop Platform quick and easy, a Viewport Ruler that gives users the ability to measure objects in orthographic view, new mesh utility blocks for splitting and merging mesh entities, a Bearing Load boundary condition in the simulation pipeline, and several impactful usability improvements. As with every release, nTopology’s dedicated support team is ready to answer your questions.
New Features and Improvements
Bearing Load Boundary Condition Block
Configure Proxy Settings
Enhanced User Profiles
Go To Variable Feature
New Mesh Utility Blocks
Pre-Select Toolkit Visibility
Search Results in Documentation
Selection Mode
User Interface Ruler
Usage Improvements
Bearing Load Boundary Condition Block
- Description: Apply a bearing force on a cylindrical boundary.
- Boundary: The boundary to apply the bearing force to. Requires a boundary of 2-D entities.
- Vector: The bearing force vector.
- Frame: The orientation for the bearing force.
- Output: FE Force
Configure Proxy Settings
- Users can now manually configure Proxy Settings via the nTop Platform Login window.
- To do so, select Configure proxy settings at the bottom of the login screen.
- The following screen will provide users with the option to override their existing settings and to manually specify the host and port of the proxy server.
- This feature has been implemented to enable customers to setup cloud licensing in enterprise environments.
- If configuring proxy settings is applicable to you, please contact your IT administrator for assistance or please reach out to for additional setup information.
Enhanced User Profiles
- We’ve completely redesigned your nTopology user account to improve your onboarding experience.
- User profile onboarding material includes example files, video tutorials, and links to marketing and support content.
- To access your user profile, go to and provide your credentials.
- If you are a customer or user and do not yet have an nTopology account, please reach out to product support at and request access.
Go To Variable Feature
- We’ve introduced a new feature called “Go To Variable” which lets users locate referenced variables.
- To utilize this feature, right-click on the input to a block that is referencing a variable and select Go To Variable.
- The referenced variable will highlight at the root level. See an example below:
New Mesh Utility Blocks
- Split Mesh Block:
- Description: Split a mesh into a list of connected components.
- Mesh: Mesh to Split.
- Output: Mesh list
- Filter Mesh Block:
- Description: Filter a mesh list using a volume threshold.
- Mesh list: Mesh list to filter.
- Volume threshold: Absolute value of volume above which meshes will be kept.
- Output: Mesh list
- Merge Mesh Block:
- Description: Merge multiple meshes into a single mesh.
- Meshes: Meshes to merge.
- Output: Mesh
Pre-Select Toolkit Visibility
- When installing for the first time, users will be prompted to select which toolkits they’d like to have available in the ribbon via the installer.
- For all upgrades, the installer will pre-select toolkits that are already visible in the ribbon.
- This feature controls the visibility of the toolkits in the ribbon. This feature does not install or uninstall toolkits.
- To modify the visibility of toolkits in the ribbon post installing nTop Platform, please go to File > Settings > Ribbon and select or deselect the appropriate items.
Search Results in Documentation
- Users can now search in the documentation and all resulting matches will display on their own page.
Selection Mode
- We’ve introduced a new selection mode feature that let’s users interactively select objects from the viewport in order to assign them to object inputs. See an example below:
User Interface Ruler
- The user interface now includes an optional ruler so users can measure objects within the viewport.
- This feature only works with orthographic views.
- Users can slide the ruler from left to right by simply holding the left mouse button and dragging.
- If you just adjust the position of the ruler, the ruler position will be saved when opening the file at a later date.
- This feature is turned off by default. Please go to File > Settings > General and select Show Ruler Over Scene.
Usage Improvements
- FE Mesh now supports quadrilateral and quad-dominated surface meshes
- The Shell block has been updated to include a new parameter called Direction which let’s the user specify which way the shelling will occur based on the value provided in the Thickness input. The options are: Inward, Outward, and Center.