nTop Account Troubleshooting Guide

Are you are experiencing problems viewing app.ntop.com or accessing your nTop account? Here are some recommended steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. If you cannot find the nTop welcome email, check your Junk folder. It is unusual, but some security practices block our automated messages.
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection before accessing your account. If you are traveling or disconnected from the internet, your license remains valid for 10-days until you need to reconnect.
  3. nTop should work with several available browsers. However, we officially support Google Chrome and suggest using the newest release.
  4. Opening a new incognito window with Google Chrome and viewing the website may identify conflicts with cookies and third-party extensions.
  5. If the issue is generating an error message, try searching our Accounts and Installation section for known solutions.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, contact nTop Support for assistance.  Be sure to send your system specifications and any relevant screenshots. 

View this article you're experiencing error messages or crashing with nTop Platform.

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