How to shell a lattice to get a shell mesh and connect it to a solid mesh


Learn how to create a surface mesh of a gyroid body and tie it to a solid mesh

Applies to:

  • FE Surface Mesh
  • Tie Constraints
  • Gyroid Body


1. Shell a Gyroid Body: Use the Gyroid Body block with the Set Body Bounding Box. We use the Set Body Bounding Box as the Gyroid Body block creates an infinite field.

Note: Set Body Bounding Box is only used to visualize the infinite field in the defined Bounding Box. You must use a Boolean Intersect block to intersect it to the design space.

If you use a Graph Unit Cell, you can use the faces as mesh property to obtain the shell mesh you need.

2. Creating a Surface Mesh from the Gyroid Body

Use a combination of Mesh from Implicit by DC and Remove Mesh Faces by Body blocks as input for FE Surface Mesh. 


I suggest reviewing this article to learn more about meshing (Methods for creating surface meshes).

3. Creating a Solid Mesh: We create FE Components with FE Solid Attributes for the Top and Bottom Boxes. 

4. Connecting the Surface and Solid Mesh: Use the Tie constraints to connect the Surface Mesh to the top and bottom bodies.

Use the FE Model model with three FE Components (Top, Bottom, and Gyroid). We are choosing appropriate FE Shell and Solid attributes. (How to create an FE Model for a simple shell lattice)

The first tie constraint is used to connect the Top and Shell Mesh, and similarly, the second one is for the bottom. (Methods for connecting multiple FE meshes in an FE model)

And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a shell mesh of the gyroid body.

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