When importing SOLIDWORKS/CATIA or STEP files the error message "The CAD interoperability libraries were unable to be located" appears


Some users encounter the error message "The CAD interoperability libraries were unable to be located" when attempting to import CAD data. 

Applies to:

  • SolidWorks
  • CATPart
  • STEP
  • CAD
  • Parasolid


This error message occurs when there is a conflict or missing file relating to nTop's translators in your computer.


We are still addressing this issue.

  • Download the latest Windows update: Users have reported updating their Windows to have solved the problem of importing their parts.
  • As a workaround, try exporting a Parasolid (.x_t) from your CAD tool. Parasolid will always yield more reliable results than STEP or native CAD files.
  • If this error is occurring with a Parasolid file, try changing the extension from .x_t to .x_b. 
  • Try saving your file as a different support file type
  • Make sure you only have one version of nTop installed.

More on this topic:


 import cad error to file step be interop located library issue unable interoperability libraries translators 
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