How to export designs from nTop for CFD Analysis in Siemens StarCCM+?

This video demonstrates a workflow to export a heat exchanger geometry from nTop for CFD (Conjugate heat transfer) analysis in Star-CCM+. The workflow involves the generation of surface meshes of the solid and fluid regions as STL files, with the surface sets representing boundary conditions written into the file. This way, these surface sets can be accessed easily in Star-CCM+ for boundary condition and contact assignment, followed by volume meshing and analysis.

Before watching the video, we recommended the following courses on nTop Learn to understand the process of designing and meshing complex geometry in nTop : 

  1. Multicourse: Heat Exchanger Design
  2. 102: Guide to Meshing
  3. Surface Meshing Best Practices 

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nTop Example File

Solved Star-CCM+ File


 boundary cfd name siemens starccm starccm+ 
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