Learn about several different workflows for meshing complex parts. Meshing can get quite complicated and not every workflow works for different parts.
Applies to:
- Exporting
- Manufacturing
- Simulation
- Topology Optimization
These workflows work well for parts with high surface areas (Lattices, TPMS). Play around with each workflow, try combining some together, and test out the different blocks. It may take some time to find a solid process that works for your specific part.
Workflow 1: Creates a Surface Mesh
- Mesh from Implicit Body (V2) - use the Sharpen and Simplify option
- Simplify Mesh by Threshold (if needed after Simplifying in the previous block)
Workflow 2: Creates a Surface Mesh
- Mesh from Implicit Body (V2) - use the Sharpen option
- Use the Split Mesh block to separate a mesh into a list of disconnected components
- Filter Mesh List - eliminates the segments below a specified volume
- Merge Meshes to turn the "list" back into a single object (a list of one item is still recognized as a list until you merge it)
Workflow 3: Creates a FE Mesh
- Mesh from Implicit Body (V2) - use the Simplify option
- Remesh Surface (generates uniform mesh facets)
- Robust Tetrahedral Mesh (converts it into a solid mesh)
- FE Volume Mesh (use the quadratic option for the most accurate simulation results
Workflow 4: Remeshing complex parts
- Simplify Mesh by Threshold
- Split Mesh (take out the largest piece)
- Remesh Surface
Workflow 5: Solid Mesh with Voxels
- Voxel Grid from Implicit Body
- Smoothen Voxel Grid
- Mesh from Voxel Grid
- Remesh Surface
- Volume Mesh
- Download the Example File
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