How do I scale a model by different factors in X, Y, Z? The Scale Object block only allows for uniform scaling.
How do I scale my part using a Ramp?
Instead of using the Scale Object block, use the Remap Scale Body block. This block allows you to scale the object differently in each direction.
This block is also a Toolkit, which is a combination of blocks. If you want to see how it runs, for curiosity's sake, right-click on it and select 'Export Block'. Then, open it back up in nTop to see how it is built.
With a Ramp:
Use the Remap Field block. You can read more on using that block here: Introduction to the Remap Field block
Use this setup for each direction you want to scale in:
- Multiply (to shrink) or Divide (to expand)
- Operand A: X, Y, or Z
- Operand B: Ramp
- Out min and Out max are the scale values.
- Multiply (to shrink) or Divide (to expand)