How to create a quadratic ramp


Learn how to ramp a parameter using a quadratic equation.


To ramp your lattice thickness quadratically, you need to break down the equation and build it in nTop using the Math blocks. Be sure to watch for units while creating your equation. 

1. Set-up: Start with the geometry you want to ramp already created. In this example, we are using a cylinder with a volume lattice infill. 

2. Build your equation: Use Math blocks to build up your quadratic equation. We are going to be building t = x^2. This initial equation will have no units with it.


    • To create 'x' we use an Axis block. 
      • Point: (0,0,0) - Set to the centroid of our part (automatically assigns units)
      • Vector: (0,0,1) - Set from the Centroid pointing up in the Z-axis
      • Changing the Vector and the Point changes the region of effect for the quadratic equation
    • Step not needed if you are using nTop 2.3+: Add a Divide block to get rid of the units in the Axis block
      • Operand A: Axis block
      • Operand B: 1
    • Add a Square block and input the Divide block from the last step


3. Create the In-min value for the ramp: We want to set the In-min to be (0,0,0) mm, the middle of our equation. Units are automatically added with no need to get rid of them.

    • Add an Evaluate Field block
      • Scalar Field: Input the 'eqn x^2' block we built
      • Point: (0,0,0)

4. Create the In-max value for the ramp: We want to set the In-max value to be maximum at the circumference of our cylinder. Units are automatically added with no need to get rid of them.

    • Add a Point block
      • Open up the Properties panel of the Cylinder (starting geometry) and grab the 'radius' chip. Insert that chip into the Y: input of the Point block
      • Keep X and Y as 0 (this may change for your own equation)
  • radius_input.jpg 
    • Add an Evaluate Field block
      • Scalar Field: Input the 'eqn x^2' block we built
      • Point: Insert the Point block with the radius chip

5. Build the ramp: Insert the components we built and decide what values you want your lattice thickness to be at the In min and In max distances. 

    • Add a Ramp block
      • Scalar Field: 'eqn x^2' block from Step 2
      • In min: Add the In min Evaluate Field block from Step 3
      • In max: Add the In max Evaluate Field block from Step 4
      • Out min: 1 mm
      • Out max: 4 mm (these values correspond to what thickness we want the lattice struts to be at the In min and In max)
      • Continuity: Geometric

6. Quadratically ramp the lattice thickness: Drag the Ramp block you just created into the Beam thickness input of the Infill Volume Lattice block. 



Below is a comparison of the quadratic ramp we just made with a linear ramp of the same values (the pink lattice is the linear ramp).


7. Optional - Visualize the quadratic: This is an optional step that is useful if you want to test out what your quadratic equation looks like.

    • Add a Box block
      • Length: 100 mm, Width 100 mm, Height 1 mm
    • Add an Offset Body block
      • Body: Input the Box we just made
      • Distance: Input the Quadratic Ramp


And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a quadratic ramp

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More on this topic:


 ramp blocks field math linear how-to quadratic units visualize equation continuity square axis parabola coefficient constant 
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