How to create and export slices


Learn how to slice your geometry and export the slices. The slices can be exported in many formats. Check out this article to see what is supported for export

Applies to:

  • Slicing
  • Additive Manufacturing


1. Slice the Object

  • Add a Slice Body block
    • Body: Drag in the Implicit Body you want to slice
    • Layer Height: Space between slice layers
    • Feature Size: Minimum feature size to accurately capture details
    • Include negative Z: If you want to include layers with negative Z with respect to frame you need to check this box
    • Frame: Using the Frame block, add a reference point to generate the slice stack.
      • Ensure that your Frame is located at the bottom of your part. In this example, the Min Point located within the Properties of the geometry was used to designate the Origin of the Frame

If you wish to use the Marching Square algorithm of the slicing function, you should use the new Slice Body by Marching Squares block enables users who need to slice an Implicit Body using a large feature size for performance reasons but cannot tolerate occasional artifacts introduced by sharpening.


2. Hatch the Slices

  • If you wish to add hatches to your slice stack, you can do it with the Hatch block
    • Drag your slice stack into the first input of your Hatch block and input values for the Spacing and Angle Step


3. Merge It All Together

  • Merge your slices and hatches using the Merge Slice Stacks block
    • Select the + sign within the Slice Stack List to add another input
    • Drag your Slice block and Hatch block into the list of inputs


4. Export as your preferred file format

  • You can export the Slice Stack using one of the Export Slices block

And that’s it! You’ve successfully sliced and exported your part

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Download the Example file:

More on this topic:


 tutorial export slice hatch slice stacks slicing merge slices exporting 
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