I'm trying to slice an object but I get the error "Inconsistent layer height"


I'm trying to slice my object in nTop, but I keep getting an error that says: "Inconsistent layer height".

Applies to:

  • nTop 2.28, Renishaw QuantAM


This error occurs because there are layers with no slice data. No slice data can occur when some parts are "floating" on top of each other. Therefore, some slices have closed contours, some slices have point exposures, and some slices are empty. 


There are three known solutions to correct this:

Option 1: Ensure there is slice data at every layer height. This can be accomplished by extending the marker through the entire height of the floating parts. 

Option 2: Re-orient the parts so that they are not floating. This can be accomplished using the block Orient Object. This allows you to take an object (implicit body, STEP, lattices, slices, etc.) and translate it to a given location on the build plate.

Option 3:  Set the radius of the marker to 0.1mm and center it in the model. 

More on this topic:


 error export slice renishaw layer slicing data height issue no inconsistent QuantAM orient floating 
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