How does the branched lattice block work?
Applies to:
- Lattices
The Branched Lattice block has an input for Start points, End points, and Layers. The Start points refer to where the lattice begins from and the End points are where the lattice ends. The Layers refer to the amount of "branches" you want in your lattice. Zero layers create a lattice with no branches. Higher values try to create branches equal to the Layer value, but it is limited by the number and location of the End points.
The image below shows a simple setup with one Start point, four End points, and no layers. Zero Layers mean we don't want any branches coming out of the lattices.
Changing the Layer value to 1 creates lattices with up to 1 branch off piece. This is shown below.
Changing the Layers to 2 doesn't change the lattice too much. This is because there isn't an optimal solution to create two branches with the given End points.
Changing the layer value to 3 changes up the results a bit more. It is trying to create 3 branches and is giving you the most optimized result. In this example, any number above 3 gives similar results to what is shown below because it is limited by the End points. Increasing the points and changing their locations allows for more complex branches to be created.
Using multiple Start points runs the same process as above.
Sometimes the Branched Lattice block merges two lattices together when you aren't expecting it. To work around that, we suggest using a Custom Block. The Custom Block processes Lists differently, which eliminates any merging. You can download the custom block here.